Page Details
- 1 - Response To Any Emergency
- 2 - Staff Responsibilities
- 3 - Tornado
- 4 - Fire
- 5 - Hazardous Material
- 6 - Radiological Incident
- 7 - Assault / Fights
- 8 - Bomb Threat
- 9 - Intruder / Hostage
- 10 - Serious Injury / Death
- 11 - Student Unrest
- 12 - Suicide / Attempt
- 13 - Weapons
- 14 - Emergency Alert Stations (EAS)
- 15 - Crisis Team Members
- 16 - Warning And Notification
- 17 - Lock-Down Procedures
- 18 - Sheltering Procedures
- 19 - Evacuation / Relocation Centers
- 20 - Media Procedures
- 21 - Emergency Phone Numbers
- 22 - Additional Resources
Serious Injury / Death
- Call 911.
- Notify CPR/First Aid certified persons in school building of medical emergencies (names of CPR/First Aid certified persons are listed in Crisis Team Members section).
- If possible, isolate affected student/staff member.
- Notify Principal.
- Principal notifies Superintendent.
- Activate school crisis team. Designate staff person to accompany injured/ill person to hospital.
- Principal notifies parent(s) or guardian(s) of affected students.
- Direct witness(es) to school psychologist/counselor. Contact parents if students are sent to psychologist/counselor.
- Determine method of notifying students, staff and parents.
- Refer media to school Public Relations Department or Representative at ____________________________________.
- Activate school crisis team.
- Notify staff before normal operating hours.
- Determine method of notifying students and parents. Announce availability of counseling services for those who need assistance.
- Refer media to school Public Relations Department or Representative at ____________________________________.
- Meet with school counseling staff and Child Mental Health Department. At ___________________________________ to determine the level of intervention for staff and students.
- Designate rooms as private counseling areas.
- Escort affected student’s siblings and close friends and other “highly stressed” students to counselors.
- Assess stress level of staff. Recommend counseling to overly stressed staff.
- Follow-up with students and staff who received counseling.
- Designate staff person(s) to attend funeral.
- Allow for changes in normal routines or test schedules to address injury or death.