Page Details
- 1 - Response To Any Emergency
- 2 - Staff Responsibilities
- 3 - Tornado
- 4 - Fire
- 5 - Hazardous Material
- 6 - Radiological Incident
- 7 - Assault / Fights
- 8 - Bomb Threat
- 9 - Intruder / Hostage
- 10 - Serious Injury / Death
- 11 - Student Unrest
- 12 - Suicide / Attempt
- 13 - Weapons
- 14 - Emergency Alert Stations (EAS)
- 15 - Crisis Team Members
- 16 - Warning And Notification
- 17 - Lock-Down Procedures
- 18 - Sheltering Procedures
- 19 - Evacuation / Relocation Centers
- 20 - Media Procedures
- 21 - Emergency Phone Numbers
- 22 - Additional Resources
Lockdown Procedures
- Lock-down procedures may be issued in situations involving dangerous intruders or other incidents that may result in harm to persons inside school building.
- Principal will issue lock-down procedures by announcing warning over PA system, sending a message to each classroom or sounding bells.
- The word “Lock-Down” will be used for all drills.
- PA announcement may be a coded or basic alert (see Warning and Notification section for coded warnings).
- “_________________ is in the building” will always mean an intruder is in the building.
- “________________ is trying to get in the building” will always mean someone unfriendly is trying to get in.
- Direct all students, staff and visitors into classrooms.
- Lock classroom doors.
- Cover windows of classrooms.
- Move all persons away from windows and doors.
- Allow no one outside of classroom until all-clear signal is given by Principal.